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The Oikonomia of God – A Divine Stewardship

Rod Page

Updated: Jan 16

or… “Why am I still on this earth anyway?”

Scripture Focus:“… having made known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself into the administration [oikonomia] of the fullness of times; to head up all things in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things upon the earth.”– Ephesians 1:9–10a (DBY)


Opening Thought:

Have you ever had this thought enter your “Christian” head: “Lord why am I still on this earth anyway?” I mean if you are willing to call yourself by Christ’s name i.e. a “Christian” this should be a question we ask ourselves. If Paul wrestled with the question of being alive here which was better for those he was helping, versus being with Christ in His presence, wouldn’t that be an easy question to answer? (see Phil. 1:23-26) Yet, if you are reading this you are here in “the body” and so you should want to be, like Paul, “necessary” in your relationships with other disciples. We should want to “matter” then to each other and to Christ.

Since this ministry has a set of textbooks that many have found very useful, I thought it would be a good idea to look up one of the perspectives on this topic that has helped me discover what God has done for us to make us not only helpful to other believers but even indispensable to them. The devotional below is taken from the material in chapter seven of the book ‘One Truth’ by Henry Hon. You can read about it yourself in the book of Ephesians from chapters one through three and in Colossians 1:24-29. If you want to read Henry’s book you can purchase it on Amazon or read it for free on the One Body Life mobile app available on the Apple or Google app stores.

This devotion is about God’s Economy. My brothers and sisters, I cannot ever remember a pastor or teacher who ever taught me much at all about the “economy of God.” Yet it has come to mean so much to me personally through reading on this topic. You will always face good or helpful people and bad or discouraging people in this world who have all kinds of opinions about you personally! That is for sure! But what is most important is that we all know what God thinks of us and what He has shared with us, and tasked us to do with ourselves while we are on this earth.

That is why I believe that what is shared below is so important. I hope it will be as helpful for you as it was for me—so let’s dig in!




God’s oikonomia, or divine economy, is His eternal plan to fulfill His will and purpose. The Greek term oikonomia translates to “household management,” emphasizing the orderly administration of God’s plan to bring all things under Christ. Through Christ’s work on the cross and His resurrection, God distributes grace directly to His people through Christ, enabling them to grow into maturity and glorify Him.

Paul describes himself as a steward of God’s economy, tasked with dispensing the unsearchable riches of Christ to others. This stewardship involves revealing the mystery of Christ: that all believers are joint heirs, one body, and joint partakers of His promise. The beauty of God’s economy lies in its focus on nourishing His household—the Assembly—through the distribution of spiritual food: Christ Himself. This economy of “food” is bringing enlightenment as Paul says for all of us:

and to enlighten all with the knowledge of what is the administration [oikonomia] of the mystery hidden throughout the ages in God, who has created all things. – Ephesians 3:9,

Believers are not mere recipients of grace but are called to be active participants in God’s economy. If you have been enlightened by Christ, then you have a task for Jesus to fulfill! This participation involves receiving and enjoying Christ’s riches and then sharing these with others. This cycle of receiving and giving is how God’s family grows and matures.

Internalize: (i.e. make it your own)

Did you catch that last sentence? You are part of God’s program to help His family grow up! He wants you to be fed from His hand to your mouth! You can “eat” of Him by partaking of His written Word, receiving the work of the Spirit of God moving in your heart and mind, and through those who share with you what the Lord has shared with them! THEN you metabolize that food, and you grow in it! Just like eating you take it in, and it becomes a part of you! Then… he tasks you with sharing that Truth—that little bit of the riches of Christ (which are infinite in supply Eph. 3:8) with other believers hungry for that amazing food! You have become a participant in the economy of God’s grace! That’s why you are here on this planet.

Many of us are so distracted we have never thought like this before. This may seem like it came from another planet, and if that is true it is a tragedy. But God brought you to this moment and now you know. You my Christian brother or sister are here for God’s purpose—to be a necessary and important and unique member of God’s program for the ages! To share in the perfect and Holy Lord of Lord’s and King of King’s program to the glory of God and to the eternal blessing of His Body! Take, eat, and share! Afterall, you are indispensable to the Lord’s people!

Personal Application:

  1. Receive His Grace Daily: Reflect on your daily need for Christ as your spiritual sustenance. Seek Him in fellowship, prayer and Scripture, allowing His grace to fill your heart and mind.

  2. Share His Riches: Consider how you can be a steward of God’s economy in your community. Purpose to meet other believers by greeting those outside of your comfort zone. Whether through acts of service, sharing the gospel, or encouraging a fellow believer, distribute the grace you’ve received.

  3. Focus on the Mystery of Christ: Meditate on the profound truth that Christ is in you—the hope of glory. Let this truth inspire your walk with Him and guide your interactions with others.


Heavenly Father, thank You for revealing the mystery of Your will and including us in Your divine economy. Teach us to receive Your grace daily and to share it generously with others. Help us to grow into maturity as part of Your household, bringing glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Brother Rod


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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I'm so glad to be part of God's economy... As you said, Bro Rod, I never encountered that word until I read Henry's book. It made so much difference to know how important I am in this Divine arrangement. It is a blessing indeed... Thanks 🙏


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Colossians 1:24-29 NKJV

[24] I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church, [25] of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given to me for you, to fulfill the word of God, [26] the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. [27] To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. [28] Him we preach, warning every man and…

Rod Page
Jan 15
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