The One Body Life team of Henry, Rod, Sean, and Scott returned one week ago Monday from Nigeria. There we celebrated the fourth graduation of over fifty students from Christ Ekklesia Institute. We also celebrated the testimionies we heard from our new ambassadors and from returning students as week two began at CEI.
The message of the Oneness of the Body of Christ and the Lord's building up of His ekklesia is resonating deep in the hearts of these brethren. We were asked more than once to come to new areas of Nigeria and start another branch of the school to spread this message.
One testimony especially thrilled us: as it centered on the coming together of a diverse group of believers into such a wonderful bond of unity that they were able to rally around one of their own who became deathly sick, and see him raised up and be healthy enough to join us on day two, back in his class at CEI. These brethren are not only greeting their neighbors (against the traditions that they have been taught by the way) but they are also hosting them in an Ekklesia gathering of mutual participation and edification. It seems they are fellowshipping in a way that they never dreamed possible outside of the revelation of this message.
So what can you do in response to what the Lord is doing across the oceans for His glory? Start by giving thanks to God that His Word is not coming back void, but there is tangible fruit on the vine in Nigeria! If you feel led you can even sponsor one of these students in their studies. Pray for continuuing expansion of this ministry throughout Nigeria where God has indeed opened doors for its spread. Pray also for an upcoming first of its kind conference in Redding CA on March 8th, 2025. If you are in the Northern California area please seek the Lord about coming and supporting us with your presence. Please see this link for more information on the conference coming up this Saturday.

Femi Ezekiel who shared his testimony with us of how 'Ekklesia' changed everything..
