Are you ready for the 52nd Super Bowl? LII. It's almost time.
I have my Eagles uniform ready. I like to wear the uniform of spiritual eagles: "Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 13:14.
I also have my Patriots jersey ready. I like wearing the uniform of spiritual patriots -- faithfulness and obedience to the kingdom of God above every other loyalty.
Every year millions of people invite friends to their house for a Super Bowl party. And that's a good thing for people to get together and enjoy a sporting event with one another.
Another good reason to have people over to your home is a super soul party. So how do you do that? The book, ONE is a detailed handbook for a super soul party. (Get a copy @
It's really pretty simple. Just invite people to your home and make them feel comfortable. Then let everybody listen to the risen Jesus and say and/or do whatever He tells them to. The first Christians had frequent super soul parties as they met from house to house.
Try it! Experience the excitement and spontaneity of a Spirit-led, super soul party soon.