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Devotional: The God-Man, Jesus Christ

Rod Page


Scripture Focus:


“For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” – Colossians 2:9


The Question Before Us: What should be the over-riding focus of our thoughts, our hopes, and even our dreams in this life? In one word it should be simply Jesus.


Focus: We should never tire of mining each day from the treasure chest of who Jesus is, what He has done, and even what He will do! We should come to know Him more than we know ourselves, for we ARE in Him, and He is in us, and we are going to Him one day! Not only is Colossians 2:9 true in His divinity but it is also true in His humanity. Jesus is and was the ultimate human—being fully man as well as fully God. I must admit I have mostly lived in the reality of Jesus being God and not given the due attention to His perfect humanity lived out “in the likeness of sinful flesh” yet “without sin.” What a great High Priest, what a friend of sinners. What a Savior! He didn’t have to do any of this and yet He desired to in total agreement with and in concert with the Father and the Spirit.


And now, the Man Christ Jesus has drawn us mysteriously so into Himself that we dwell with Him in glory! Yes, indeed He has raised us up and seated us with Him through our being joined with Him! (see Eph. 2:6, 1 Cor. 6:17) Take a moment, read through this devotional based on “One Truth” chapter 3 by Henry Hon. Ask the Spirit to direct your thoughts to the Lord. Meditate on these things of Christ. Then, ask for wisdom for how to apply them. The applications below are given in general terms, but do not be afraid to ask the Lord for specifics in your life. If this is helpful maybe share it with a friend.





Jesus Christ is the full embodiment of God in bodily form. This truth reveals a profound mystery: the eternal, infinite God chose to dwell in human flesh. He chose a body made “in the likeness of sinful flesh” so He got tired, and grew older, and knew weakness just as we do. He was completely a man in every sense of the word, and He was without sin. He was, indeed, the Son of Man.  

As the Son of God, Jesus is not a fragment of God, but the entirety of the Triune God expressed bodily. In Him, the man Christ Jesus resides the fullness of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. What a condescension to our level. Philippians goes the next mile: but (he) emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” (Phil. 2:7-8)


This truth affirms that God is not distant or abstract. He stepped into creation, taking on flesh, so that humanity might see, touch, and experience the reality of God through the cross of Christ. Jesus is Emmanuel, “God with us,” bridging in Himself, the spotless Lamb of God the divide between the divine and the human.




In His incarnation, Jesus became a genuine human being, born of a virgin yet free from sin. He understands our weaknesses, having faced temptation and suffering just as we do, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). This gives us hope and assurance—our Savior is not removed from our struggles but intimately acquainted with them. He captured our sin, and nailed to His cross!


In His resurrection and ascension, Jesus did not shed His humanity. Instead, He remains the God-Man for eternity, glorified and exalted. He is our intercessor and advocate at the right hand of God, continuing to unite all who believe with Himself!



     •       Worship with Awe: Reflect on the greatness of God revealed in Jesus. Praise Him for His willingness to take on flesh and walk among us.

     •       Trust in His Understanding: Bring your struggles and temptations to Jesus, knowing that He sympathizes and provides grace in your time of need.

     •       Live in Unity: Just as Jesus is the perfect union of God and man, seek unity with others in the Body of Christ, reflecting His oneness outward to a world desperate to get a glimpse of what is already ours—our Savior and King, brother and friend…Jesus!




Lord Jesus, we stand in awe of Your fullness and grace. Thank You for becoming the God-Man, dwelling among us, and bringing us into fellowship with the Triune God. Teach us to trust You more deeply, live in Your resurrection power, and share the hope of Your eternal glory. Amen.


For Further Study: Here is something to think further about: in John 20:31 we are told that part of the faith of Jesus Christ is to believe that Jesus was indeed God in human flesh! The emphasis there is that of believing in Jesus’ divinity as the Son of God. But later, he added in 1 John 4:2-3 that the emphasis is on believing that Jesus Christ came “in the flesh.” This core, two-sided doctrine of the Christian faith is non-negotiable. In your experience which side of this truth gets more attention? Why do you think?

The Lord bless you saint, as you meditate on the unsearchable riches of Christ!



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