Announcing the next Weekend Vacation Fellowship in Northern California: 18-20 August in Pleasanton, CA.

The Vacation Fellowship usually holds about once in 3 or 4 months. I have been privileged to attend one of those meetings once, in May 2015, and really, I look forward to being part of it again anytime the Lord presents the opportunity.
In these meetings, believers that usually meet in various home groups or churches come together for no other purpose than to blend together in fellowship. It was a pleasant surprise for me to see that a 3-day meeting can actually hold without any dedicated speaker to listen to. Right from the prayers, through the singing and the breaking of the bread of life, it was 1 Cor. 14:26 and Eph. 4:16 in practice throughout.
In order for everyone to be able to participate, the meeting was broken up into groups of 8 or so. We then picked a portion of scripture with which we could behold the Lord in His glory and beauty. I remember one of those scripture we drew life from was John 12:1-8. Each group read this passage and ministered to one another from it for about 45 minutes. Then we came back together and each group had the opportunity to share to the entire house, some of those salient treasures of Christ that they discovered in their group.
And as all the groups shared their various treasures, what an amazing chest of treasure! What blessedness of koinonia. Indeed, everyone became full of Christ. In my opinion, there is no better way for the Spirit to speak in and to His body.

Of course, there was a lot of opportunity for informal fellowship to network with others. It was this meeting that I met and have developed a bonding with the likes of Randy Tritto, Joyce Claffey, Edmond Richmond, Hal Townsend (he played the guitar to back up my song rendition) and Hai Huang. Sister Hai has actually visited us in Nigeria twice after this event! I am still in touch with these saints till date. I can tell without any iota of doubt that these meetings have been a source of encouragement and the Lord has moved in amazing ways every time.
This is why if you are still thinking about attending, I really hope my brief testimony will further encourage you to do so.
Please be at liberty to share the information with any of the saints you know in North Cal.
A little more details:
Date: August 18-20, 2017
Friday 6:30pm - 9:30pm location: Various homes in the East Bay
Saturday 10am - Sunday 12:30pm location: Pleasanton Sheraton, CA
Call Rachel (510-393-7943) or Jeremiah (415-786-8787) for further details
For more information explaining this event, please visit: