Sponsor a Student Opportunity:
You can take on a special relationship with one or more of our students at CEI in Nigeria. For $15.00 per
student per month you will become their sponsor for the entirety of their education in the Gospel of Peace!
This will cover the cost of their books, their lodging while in school, and their education. This is a two year
program so the entire cost can be covered for $180.00 for each year for a total of $360.00 for the entire
course. You will then have a direct connection with a missionary in the making! Your sponsored student will be
keeping in touch with you during his stay with CEI and will be encouraged to share with you what he or she is learning. You will get a front row seat and be able to be a witness to how your student is growing and applying what they are taking in.
If the Lord is leading you to sponsor a student, please hit the donate button below and make your contribution. You can start with as little as $15.00 and continue for the duration of the program or you can make a lump sum for one or two years. If
this is your desire please email us right away at
You can also donate to the general fund which can be used for all of our activities
General Fund --
Ekklesia Events -- For greeting and blending between diverse believers in the way of ekklesia
Conferences -- To spread the message of ONE in teaming up with other ministries
Foreign missions -- Preaching the gospel of peace for the Lord's ekklesia
Note: All donations to One Body Life are a charitable contribution deduction against your income tax if you itemize deductions.