Douglas KriegerDec 16, 202234 min read SHOW ME THE POWER!Since the commencement of our Lord's EKKLESIA we have been afflicted by many False Prophets-antichrists - we've been led astray from Christ!
Doug Krieger Mar 23, 202129 min readMINISTRIES IN THE BODY OF CHRIST . . . Why ONE MINISTRY is Divisive!Again, yes, different ministries can and do divide the Body of Christ - but in examining 1 Corinthians 11:19 we find that it is "necessary"
One Body Life; Henry Hon; Doug KriegerJan 18, 202115 min readTHE NATURE OF THE EKKLESIA – ISSUES OF DIVERSITY & LUKEWARMNESS IN THE BODY OF CHRIST.Recently, Francis Chan, whose ministry many of us admire, spoke of the nature of those who assemble under the banner of Christ. . .
Henry HonDec 1, 20205 min readEKKLESIA IS LIBERATIONI will build my ekklesia (Matt. 16:18) And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church...