The purpose of this ministry is nothing short of participating and advancing God’s eternal purpose. God needs His people to cooperate and labor with Him to accomplish His eternal purpose. God’s eternal purpose according to His good pleasure is to have mature sons for the Father, a Bride for the Son, a Body for the Spirit, and ONE New Man to have dominion and through whom He will defeat His enemy, Satan.
(Reference Scriptures: Eph. 1:5, 22-23; 3:10-11, 21; 5:31-32; Rom. 16:20; 1 Cor. 3:9)
This is what we hope to see in our life time: His diverse people in the faith of Jesus Christ becoming manifestly/practically ONE as seen in the building up of the Lord’s ekklesia. His ekklesia (“democratic assembly”) as the shining Lampstand shows off a diverse people manifesting ONEness: loving and fellowshipping with one another in a participatory and contributory environment. The world today with its secular democracy expresses its division, hatred, and corruption—whereas the reality of Jesus Christ is affirmed and testified where and when diversity in living oneness is manifested. This will cause the world to believe in Jesus Christ.
(Reference Scriptures: Matt. 16:18; 1Cor. 12; John 17:22-23; Col. 3:10-11)
What are we doing:
Sharing the Gospel of Peace: bringing previously divided believers into one fellowship.
Equipping believers by unveiling the three gifts given by Jesus in John 17—His Life, Truth, and Glory--in order that each member of His ONE BODY may be released into functioning according to their own gifting for the building up of the Body of Christ until we all attain unto the Unity of the One Common Faith – unto the very “measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”
Teaching and recovering the optimum and divinely-revealed practice of the Lord’s ekklesia (“democratic assembly”) where diverse believers can assemble in love and fellowship manifesting their oneness in Christ—none dominating but all under the headship of Christ, the Head of His ONE BODY.
“Teaming up” with other ministries for the “faith of the gospel.”
(Reference Scriptures: Eph. 2:14-17; Rom. 10:15; Eph. 4:11-13; John 17; 1Cor. 11:17 through 14; Phil. 1:27-28; 2:1-11)
We are not starting a church or a federation of churches (a denomination)
We are not against institutional or organized churches
We are not promoting any ecumenical movements

Henry Hon graduated from UC Berkeley with an engineering degree. Soon afterwards, he co-founded a folding bicycle company, DAHON, which became the largest company of its kind in the world. Henry has been a "serial entrepreneur" ever since. He and his wife, Sylvia, of over 44 years have raised four children and currently have eight grandchildren. His immediate family represents the “melting pot” of America with descendants from Europe, Africa, China, and Southeast Asia.
Henry came to know and serve Jesus Christ in 1969 during the Jesus People Movement. At that time, he saw God’s purpose is for the ONEness of His people. He has been aspiring for the growing experience and expression of this reality. He has been studying the Bible and participating in ministry since he was 16 years old. His services included open air evangelism, youth ministry, college ministry, leadership role in “church planting,” pastoring, teaching, and home group expansion. He has dedicated the rest of His life to advancing and the building up of God’s ekklesia.
Henry is the author of the three books in the "ONE Trilogy." These books expound on God’s eternal purpose being His ekklesia, and the Lord’s epic prayer in John 17 for the ONEness of His people through three distinct gifts: eternal life, truth, and glory. These gifts are a culmination of the major points of Christian teaching that he has studied and successfully integrated into his own life; together with some fresh and crucial insights into the Scriptures, they are the essence of his ministry content. He has also since wrote the book “Galatians: Uniting Divide People” and “God’s Kind:The Glory and Triumph of God’s Kingdom.”
Henry started this ministry to trumpet the message of ONE. God has opened doors for this message and to spread this in an increasing number of countries. His three books form the core of the content of this ministry.

Hal Townsend graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Friends Bible College (now, Barclay College) in Kansas. He entered into ministry as a Youth Pastor at the Medford Friends Church in Oregon. There he met his wife. Over the past 40 years Hal has enjoyed a Christ-centered home where they raised four children. Soon after their marriage Hal left the formal ministry when they moved to the San Francisco Bay Area. He has been working in Employee Benefits consulting since 1989; now retired.
Hal was raised in a pastor's family in the Midwest and came to Jesus at the age of nine during one of the church's annual revival meetings. He became active in church youth choirs and traveled extensively up through his college years with choirs and contemporary Christian bands presenting the gospel in churches, high schools, camps, and conferences. During his time of formal ministry, Hal became dissatisfied with institutional Christianity and began to desire the early church experience of simply assembling with other believers in order to experience Christ-centered Body-Life. This eventually led to home gatherings for Bible study, fellowship, encouragement, and building up one another. Since the early 1990s, Hal and his wife have been actively assembling with other believers in homes to enjoy organic body-life--as the Lord's ekklesia.

Douglas W. Krieger is the owner of Tribnet Publications, a prolific author, retired public school administrator, mathematician, and blogger. He has authored/co-authored and published some 20+ books. Doug is a frequent conference speaker and serves on the Board of Directors of a variety of Evangelical Ministries: Urban Hope Alliance (Sacramento), Word to Russia (West Sacramento), Chair of the COMMONWEALTH OF ISRAEL FOUNDATION based in Arizona which is working on a Commonwealth Reference Bible with a team of editors and, of course, has been a Board Member with One Body Life for nearly three years--and is a major contributor to the One Body Life blog, as well as working on the curriculum for the Christ Ekklesia Institute.
His works are both prophetic and dedicated to Evangelical relevance in today's world--calling out Christians to rise up during the final hours of human history to bear the TESTIMONY OF JESUS before a world so desperately in need of the supernatural intervention of the Deliverer who shall roar out of Zion.
He has been happily married for over 50 years to his beloved Deborah with three children, all of whom love the Lord--and a growing "quiver" of grandchildren. He was graduated from California State University, Los Angeles with post-graduate studies in Educational Administration at California State University, Sacramento. His background includes biblical training from Multnomah University in Portland, Oregon. Doug came to Christ in high school through a local Bible Study group with his sister, Jerri Tuck--both of whom met the Lord and by God's grace have never turned back from following their Savior and Lord.
Rod Brace is the father of five, and grandfather of two. He, along with his wife of thirty- four years, has been serving the body of Christ in the greater Sacramento area, for thirty-seven years. He is a certified audio engineer who takes great joy in serving several congregations and ministries. Rod has been a musician and songwriter for fifty years.
Rod has had a vision for the oneness of the body for twenty years. He started Living Hope ministry and Disciple Audio toward building unity in the body of believers. Four years ago, he joined the ministry of One Body Life as the technician for audio and video. Like many who join the ministry of One Body Life, he hopes to serve the Lord in His vision for oneness in the body of Christ.

Teaching the students of Christ Ekklesia Institute in Nigeria has forever changed Scott Hunnicutt’s life. Before joining One Body Life (OBL), Scott served in leadership roles in churches ranging from Reformed to Charismatic, including serving as Senior Pastor of three churches. He also worked for Forgiveness Ministries, where he became skilled in walking believers through forgiveness and reconciliation. His multifaceted ministry experience deepened his love for the universal Bride of Christ and gave him a heart to facilitate the Oneness for which Jesus prayed across denominational divides.
In light of Paul’s admonition to Timothy to find the “faithful” who would be able to “teach others also,” Scott feels a unique calling to pastors and teachers. Having graduated from Gateway Seminary with an M.Div, he has a vision and a passion for seeing seminaries, who are shaping the next generation of leaders, embrace the message of One Body Life. To this end, he is currently pursuing a Th.M/D.Min. (a doctorate) so he can teach what God has shown him about God’s Ekklesia to seminary students.
In the Body of Christ, anyone, regardless of educational background, can be used powerfully in the Kingdom of God. Therefore, Scott and Henry created a video series entitled Alpha Ekklesia that presents the basic principles of the Lord’s ekklesia. And many leaders are starting to use this tool to help start a conversation that will aid believers in discovering the Gospel of Peace and living a life in light of Jesus’ prayer that we would be “One” as He and the Father are “One.”

Rod is a father of four, grandfather of six, and great grandfather of one. He has been married to his sweetheart, Diana, since 1979. He spent many years serving the Lord in child education, teaching, leading small groups as well as working in a family business and the corporate world. He was the pastor of a church in Northern California for ten years when he first heard this message of Ekklesia and the Oneness of the Body of Christ. That message took root and now Rod is a full-time worker in this ministry. He is currently enjoying this new season of life and of ministry along with the privilege of spreading “the Gospel of Peace” near and far.